André H. Corell, Thought Field Therapy
Mediale Schule




Thought Field Therapy


TFT, Thought Field Therapy, also called Association Tapping, was developed by psychiatrist Roger Callaghan from the USA in the 1980s and has been constantly refined for the last 30 years. Similar techniques were developed in our latitudes later, like e.g. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or MET (Meridian-Energy-Techniques).

EFT is also known under the name Tapping Acupuncture. This name might not be totally right, as acupuncture actually is a technique where meridian points are treated with needles.

With this Thought Field Therapy it is possible to treat disturbances in the body’s energy system of psychological and mental, and to a large extent also physical, origin.




The body and the subconscious do remember painful experiences, so-called traumas. They link those experiences to feelings. As those feelings mostly are of a negative kind, there are created one or more blockades in the body. Those blockades or disturbances are so-called frequency noises. The frequency noises are mostly bound to certain places in the body; points in the meridians.




The remedy of a disturbance takes place as follows: By holding the thought filed (i.e. focussing on the problem), you tap very slightly on specific meridian points. This happens in a certain sequence. Callaghan called the different tapping-sequences Algorithms. In addition to that one uses certain tools. These are specific questions, sequences and eye-movements at the same time etc., which make the different brain areas work towards healing. Thereby blockades are sometimes loosened within only a few minutes.
Thought Field Therapy treats body and subconscious at the same time, because the treatment combines cognitive psychology and physical treatment.


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